Charlotte had her 7th Birthday party on 23rd May (a couple of days before her actual birthday). For the first time in her life, she had her party in the same country as a prior birthday! – Previous to that she had had 6 birthdays in 6 different countries!
We had the party on Hog Island
- a little island that a lot of cruisers anchor off, because it is the best hurricane hole in Grenada (but they never leave!) A Rasta, who lives there, throws a BBQ and party every Sunday and it’s very colourful with locals and cruisers alike.
On the island we invited some other children over for games and cake.
It was wonderful. Charlotte had a good time and the children were all very enthusiastic. Zinnia and Cosmo came to the party (who we had first met in Antigua back in December), with their mum Liz from Pacific Bliss. Also my sister Hilary was visiting from London so that was nice to have her there (not often Charlotte has other family members at her birthday). Mike, on Final Chapter also came over to help.
The 8 children all enjoyed party games:
Pass the parcel:
Pin the Tail on the Donkey:
Musical Statues:
Treasure Hunt:
and finishing off with Charlotte's favourite – the piñata - which was stuffed full with sweets and biscuits:
The sticks kept breaking before the piñata so the kids had to run back in the woods to find other sticks – which kept getting bigger and bigger! It was a danger zone as Charlotte wanted to hit the piñata to shreds and the other kids kept running in the get all the sweets that were flying out. It was a miracle nobody got hit (they were blindfolded)
Then the cake and all seemed to have had a good time.
To finish of the great day, Charlotte then went for a sleepover on Zinnia’s boat while we collapsed, after all the activity of a 7 year olds party.
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